MarleneDigsIt Digs & News

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Chaos cannot continue

When will this stop? The wars, the racism, the hatred, the greed, the poverty? WHEN? Seems no one knows. At MarleneDigstIt we stand with UKRAINE and we do not support the Russian president and his faithful corrupt followers. May God have mercy on their evil souls. If you have the chance please provide your aide to the country of Ukraine whether it is through food or financial please help them. It is hard for me to enjoy many things while there are human beings dying for no reason especially infants. I cannot stress how important is it to acknowledge this war and the pain these people are enduring. The war is a ticking time bomb away from World War 3 and it is so scary that people here in the United States are not fully grasping this. If the Russians could pursue destruction of a small country then it is easy to understand why their athletes are so battered with trauma at the pressure to be perfect by any means. Praying for an end to this war and that the Russian president gets his swift punishment.

MarleneDigsIt Digs & News

By Marlene Gomez-Abundiz June 5, 2022
Things To Do Summer 2022
By Marlene Gomez-Abundiz April 26, 2022
Miya Marcano 20th birthday celebrations take place in memory of slain victim
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