MarleneDigsIt Digs & News

This section contains general news, breaking news the things that we DIG and the stories we DIG up. At MarleneDigsIt the mission is to provide accuracy in transferring information so therefore if you find any content on our page that needs revision send an email. Provide the facts to support the specific content that you feel has been published in error and if it is proven to be published inaccurately the information will be modified.

Miya Marcano 20th birthday celebrations take place in memory of slain victim

Happy 20th Birthday Miya Marcano.

May you rest eternally in peace until time reunites you with your loved ones. #April26

MarleneDigsIt Digs & News

By Marlene Gomez-Abundiz June 5, 2022
Things To Do Summer 2022
By Marlene Gomez-Abundiz March 27, 2022
Chaos cannot continue
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